Foundation X:
Foundation X is a division of NorthRock Partners LLC and all for-profit activities are provided through Foundation X LLC and not-for-profit related activities are provided through Foundation X, Inc.
Legal, Contracts, and Estate Planning:
Contract Review and Negotiation services are not legal services as all legal services must be provided by a licensed attorney operating independent from Foundation X.
Neither Foundation X nor any of its affiliated entities engage in the practice of law.
Charitable Giving:
International Grant making and Legacy Gift Planning: All for profit Foundation X related services are provided through Foundation X LLC and not-for-profit related activities are provided through Foundation X, Inc.
Business Partners and Third-Party Entities:
Some of our services may be provided or facilitated through third-party entities or professionals that have no affiliation with Foundation X or any of its affiliated entities.
This material is provided for educational purposes only and is not intended to be relied upon as investment advice and is not an offer or solicitation to adopt an investment strategy. The opinions expressed are subject to change. The material was prepared without regard to specific objectives, financial situation or needs of any investor.
All investment advisory services are provided in the United States exclusively through NorthRock Partners LLC. Charitable and Foundation Management Services are provided by Foundation X.